Toga Party – 9 August
Yes, toga party. I actually participated in a toga party. The good thing is, while we were posing in front of the cathedral, the cops came to our residence. Ooops. Nothing like a bunch of geeks cuttin' loose.
Toga Party, 6 August 2003. Posted 18 August 2003. Eric, me, Kuni, George. One of the four is Greek. And yes, Eric and I look alike.
Olympic Athletes, Toga Party, 6 August 2003. Posted 18 August 2003. Posing as if we are athletes.
Jo and Jon, Toga Party, 6 August 2003. Posted 18 August 2003. A nice picture of me-n-Jo.
Serious Conversation, Toga Party, 6 August 2003. Posted 18 August 2003. In the middle of all this, a serious conversation with a man in a toga.
Blaise, Toga Party, 6 August 2003. Posted 18 August 2003. Blaise convinced to where a toga since he dressed up. That and peer pressure.
Camera Awareness, Toga Party, 6 August 2003. Posted 18 August 2003. Kuni knows where the camera is ALL the time, and Vish is chasing after a girl.
Group Shot, Caroline, Takeshi, Yuki, Me, Toga Party, 6 August 2003. Posted 18 August 2003. Takeshi is an MSS student who did not live in the same place as us. Yuki has a certain Buddist monk look here in his "light red" toga.
Yuki and Dirk, Toga Party, 6 August 2003. Posted 18 August 2003. Two CalTech physics majors, one at Berkeley now, one at Stanford. Ah, I bet their advisors would be proud.
Caroline and Bart, Toga Party, 6 August 2003. Posted 18 August 2003. Fellow TP Climate colleagues celebration with us.
Yeah, Baby, Toga Party, 6 August 2003. Posted 18 August 2003. I can neither confirm nor deny that Jo just licked Mark's nipple.
Ayodele and Hongwei, Toga Party, 6 August 2003. Posted 18 August 2003. Proving this is indeed an international event, Ayodele from Nigeria and Hongwei from China joined the fun.
At the Cathedral, In Togas, Toga Party, 6 August 2003. Posted 18 August 2003. Believe it or not, we decided to have a group picture taken in front of the Cathedral. It was very late. When we arrived back to the FEC the police and a TV crew were there. Oops.